Around the world there exist structures built with stone in multisided form, all of which fit together perfectly, almost like a jigsaw puzzle. The standard theory is that these shapes were carved by hand to interlock perfectly. This explanation seems to me to be extremely implausible, especially considering that this was supposedly done with rudimentary tools. To achieve such a perfect fit, even with the tools available today, would be a very difficult and time consuming task. I doubt whether any modern architect would even consider trying to duplicate such a technique.
Ancient man was probably much the same as modern man when it comes to constructing anything, man will always work with the method which is most convenient for him. I do not for one moment think that all the amazing structures around the world were built using exotic methods simply to impress their descendants. Bearing that in mind, it is obvious to anyone that the ancients had methods of building in stone of which we know nothing. The polygonal construction method is particularly difficult to imagine, they look as though they have been built with stone which had the consistency of butter and were moulded into place. Did they have a way of softening the stone? or was there some other method they used?
I have thought about this for some time, and the only solution to the problem that I could come up with, is that they were able render the stone into a fine powder and then moulded the blocks in much the same way as we use concrete today. I have seen on many of these odd shaped blocks protruding knobs which suggest to me injection moulding, the knobs are mostly towards the bottom of the blocks and they would then be the inlet points in this injection moulding process, which were sometimes removed afterwards. I imagine some sort of bladder, which is able to stretch, which would be fitted into the gap in the stone and supported on the open sides and then pumped full of the powdered stone mixture, once the mixture has set it would fit perfectly into the surrounding stone. The bladder could be left in place and would rot away over time leaving virtually no trace. This method also has the advantage of making the transport much easier, since they would not be carting around huge blocks of stone, they would be moving the powdered rock in managable quantities. If this theory is correct then one should be able to see, in areas where blocks have come loose, that the surface irregularities match perfectly on adjoining blocks, which would also be the case if a rock softening technique was used.
I dare say that there will be numerous reasons given to explain why such a system could not have worked, crushing the stone into powder being one of them, but to my mind this method makes a lot of sense and would easily explain why they chose build with such odd shaped blocks. I would be most interested in hearing what other ideas people may have.
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